Skater of the Month Lumiknoxity


Roller derby skater Lumiknoxity gets low to come around an opposing blockerWhat do you believe is the biggest misconception about derby?

One of the biggest misconceptions i have hear is, “oh that’s where you punch people” or “throw each other over railings”

How do people react when they find out you play roller derby?

People’s general reaction when they find out i play roller derby is , no way your too small, you look like a cheerleader.

Have you played in any other sports besides roller derby?

I played soccer growing up from 5-15 and then i tried cheerleading for a season, i played lacrosse my junior year of high school, and wrestled on the all boys league my senior year. After high school i didn’t play any sports for a year until i started roller derby.

What is your definition of team?

My definition of team is one cohesive unit that moves together and protects each other on the track. There is NO I in team, the quicker you learn that the more of an effective part of the team you become.

If you could change any rule what would it be and why?

No penalties… kidding!!! But it would probably be the rule that the opposing jammer can skate backwards to the front of the pack after hitting the other jammer, forcing the other jammer to get sucked back in by the opposing team, before making their initial pass!!

How has derby affected your life positively or negatively?

Derby has affected my life positively by giving me an outlet, for anger and aggression. It has allowed me to be empowered by all the other powerful ladies on the track. It has helped mold me into a more responsible person, (ex. attending functions and practices) as well as to mature and work with others effectively. i don’t think roller derby has impacted me negatively it really helps me focus my aggression in a positive manner. as well as meet all my lovely team mates.

What advice would you give to future horrors or frightmares?

Advice i would give future horrors or fright mares, keep it moving, challenge yourself every practice, aspire to improve and believe that you can. If you don’t get a certain skill or drill practice it, we aren’t all perfect at everything that’s what we practice is for. Believe you can do it and you will!! Most importantly, don’t over THINK!!! Your body will get the hang of the weird new positions!!! try out and prove to yourself how awesome you really are!!! Be your own “cheerleader”!!

Junior Skater of the Month Woe It’s Me

A junior roller derby skater gears up for a scrimmage

How did you create your derby name?

I created my derby name by going through my playlist and listening to the band woe is me.

How did you hear about roller derby?

I never heard about roller derby until I saw a movie in block buster called Whip It, and later on my Uncle knew a roller derby girl and.went to a game and I saw the Frightmares and wanted to join.

What has been your most memorable moment?

My most memorable moment was when the Frightmares went down to Brooklyn and played against the Gotham girls with only 6 players.

How do people react when they find out you play roller derby?

Peoples reactions when they found out I play roller derby are surprised and amazed, most of the time i have to explain to them what roller derby is.

What is your goal in roller derby?

My goal in roller derby is to make it on the Hudson Valley Horrors.

Who gives you the most support to be the best player possible?

My mom and coaches Hitz and Tera, give me the most support to be the best player possible.

How do you plan to stay active during the off season?

I plan on going to the gym and doing out door skating to stay active during off season.

What is your favorite position to play?

My favorite position to play is blocker, you get so much adrenaline and anger it makes the game more fun for me.

Skater of the Month: Pinky Swears

Roller Derby Skater Pinky Swears in a pack with the Hudson Valley Horrors

What has been your biggest challenge while playing roller derby?

I think the biggest challenge of the game is having to play offense and defense at the same time.  There is no other sport where you have to do that.  It means having to be hyper aware of what is going on around you and being able to switch your mindset from kill, kill to help, help – lol.

How did you think of your name “Pinky Swears”?

That was one of the names that a former Horror, Scarlet Bloodletter was tossing around for her own name. I heard it and said, oh that is perfect for me because I turn bright pink when I laugh or skate or do anything, I can keep a secret (I have a few that will go to the grave with me) and I have a bit of a potty mouth.

What keeps you motivated to play your hardest?

My teammates… I never want to feel like I am letting them down.

On the track you have played every position. Which position is your favorite and why?

That’s a tough one because you learn from all of them.  You learn to be a better blocker when you jam and vice versa.  I believe that what is important is understanding your role when you hit the track, no matter what your position is.

How did you get involved in roller derby?

I was telling a co-worker that I called one of the rinks in the area to see if they had roller derby or would be willing to host a league.  She told me she had a friend that was starting a league. I was super psyched and asked her to find out the information for their first practice date .  I showed up, met Rxy Ramalotte and Rough Gem and I never looked back 🙂

What is the last movie you watched?

I don’t get to watch movies all that often anymore, I get too sucked in to shows like Dexter, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey and Glee.

The Horrors play on a flat track. Have you ever skated on a banked track? If yes, which track do you like better and why?

I have not, but it is on the bucket list.

What advice do you have for the Frightmares, who inspire to be just like the Horrors?

Skate hard and skate often but find other activities you like to do too, whether it’s soccer, dancing, snowboarding, etc.  This is a tough sport and cross-training is super important.

Roller Derby Skater of the Month Tera Joules

Roller Derby Skater Tera Joules

To fans it’s not always clear why we choose some of our names. What does your name, Tera Joules, mean and why did you choose it?

I knew right off the bat that I wanted a science name. I was really leaning towards the name “entropy” which means disorder and chaos in the universe, but it was taken. Then I thought killa Joules would’ve been funny and fantastic, but when I found out THAT was taken I wanted a name bigger and better (literally) so I went with Tera as a prefix, which means a TRILLION!!! and Joules, which is a unit of energy. I was 100% decided on that once I realized lightning was measured in Tera Joules 🙂

Your number, 7e12, isn’t just a random number. What does it mean?

Before we became a WFTDA league my number was 7×10^12, 7 being my favorite number and 10^12 being a trillion in scientific notation. Once I had to cut it to 4 characters I just changed it to how you would type it in a calculator. Nerd status!

As head of the Jr League you have a lot of girls who aspire to be just like you. How do the Frightmares inspire you?

They inspire me in so many ways! They are young and have so much potential ahead of them. I push to skate harder, play smart, and be tough because I expect no less from them. They inspire me to be the best player I can be and an excellent off track role model. I care about them in all that they do, I’ve even tutored one girl in chemistry! I know that there are some pretty crappy role models out there so I aspire to be the best for them. Every decision I make I think about them. I feel like a mother hen sometimes!

What made you want to play a full contact sport instead of a non-contact sport?

I was actually terrified to play a full contact sport that involved wheels being strapped to my feet. I knew I was aggressive and competitive so I worked my butt off to get my skill to that level. Non-contact sports don’t give you THAT feeling. Its empowering and makes me feel stronger than I ever had both mentally and physically.

Besides being such an awesome skater, do you have any hidden talents?

Well if I told you they wouldn’t be hidden, would they? I drive a standard (because I like control!) and most people don’t know that.

When you get really tired in a game, what helps you to keep pushing and stay motivated to play hard?

I just remember that people are depending on me. I can do anything for two minutes. If I can’t, there’s 13 other people on that bench I’m letting down. That’s unacceptable to me. I push through for my team, because they do the same for me.

What do you think is most important for a newer skater to learn?

Edges!!! I cannot emphasize it enough!! Edges are everything; they are balance, agility, control, and the key to staying on your feet. Ask any Frightmare or fresh meat- they would be millionaires if they got a $1 for every time I preached about edges when coaching.

What has been your greatest accomplishment in derby?

Winning the first WFTDA sanctioned game EVER vs Harrisburg at ECDX last year. At the end of the game we all cried and hugged in a circle for about 5 minutes. It was the epitome of everything we had worked for and to see all that hard work pay off was PRICELESS. I will never forget that moment

Skater of the Month: Hitz & Glamour

Roller Derby Skater of the Month Hitz & Glamour

What is your goal for the 2013 season?

My goal this season is to push myself the hardest I can in any drill, game, or practice I participate in. I want to always push past that voice in my head saying give up and prove i can go farther and harder!

If you could change anything about roller derby what would it be?

I would shorten the amount of time in the penalty box because when your in the box one minute feels like forever, and it sucks just sitting there feeling helpless.

What is one of your pet peeves?

Unnecassary clapping! I know it sounds strange but i hate when people clap for no reason and my little sister and brother do it all the time.

What are you afraid of?

I’m terrified of the dark! I hate not being able to see or know whats around me.

Besides roller derby, what sports have you played?

I’ve played soccer, basketball, and field hockey.

Whats the hardest thing to do in roller derby?

Staying low at all times is hard. I always feel like I’m low and then I watch footage from games and realize I was nowhere near as low as I should have been.

What is one thing you were surprised to learn about roller derby?

I was shocked when I found out how many penalties there were. I always thought you skated and hit but there is a lot of rules you must follow to make a hit legal or to earn points with a legal pass.

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

I would love to be able to read minds!

Skater of the Month Daemon Mistress

Skater of the Month Daemon Mistress

What made you decide to join roller derby?

I was looking to do something active. My sister had joined Steel City Derby Demons the year before, so I looked to see what was available near me. I love roller skating – as I’ve skated since I was 4. It was a perfect fit.

What has been your most memorable moment in derby so far?

Every time I play is memorable. I especially enjoyed the game last summer with LIRR. There was this one jam in which I took the jammer out twice with two very memorable hits. The first from a standstill, the second … well there is a picture online of that one …

How did you choose your derby name?

I am a techie – Daemons are the processes that run in the background of the Linux operating system, getting things done. Daemons are also referenced in Plato’s writings, as Godlings, not quite mortal, not quite Divine. I am a web designer, also commonly called web master …  feminize that and you end up with Mistress.

What would you say is your biggest fear in and out of derby?

Derby is all about facing down fear. I don’t think I will ever be entirely comfortable jumping my teammates. Outside of derby, my fears are mainly related to my children, as I want the best for them.

What is one thing you want to accomplish in your life?

I would love to own my own business someday.

Do you have any pre-game rituals?

I spend some time visualizing success in doing whatever skills I am working on and that I want to bring to the game.

Any hidden talents?

Many. But they wouldn’t be hidden if I told every one.

What is your favorite part about roller derby?

I love working with my teammates. I love the strategy.

What movie could you watch over and over and not get sick of?

Just about any James Bond movie.

What is your favorite book?

Sassinak by Anne McCaffrey

Skater of the Month: S. Scar Go

Roller derby skater S. Scar Go blocks a jammer to the outside of the track

What has been your favorite bout? Why?

Skating in the cold up in Ithaca. Our managers were awesome, the other team was friendly as hell, and one of their jammers told our managers that I was her “nemesis” all night long, not letting her get past me on the inside line. After finding out what nemesis meant, (yeah I didn’t know!),  I was thrilled to be acknowledged that way.

What is your most memorable derby moment?

While jamming in our meat grinder with the Hellions of Troy, I knocked the other jammer down on the line and got lead jammer. Then I was sent to the box for a penalty, and even after serving my time, I still scored 18 points.

What celebrity would you want to be friends with?

Ellen Degeneres. She always makes me laugh and she seems to be straight up with what she says and believes in. Her honesty and confidence in herself is inspiring as hell.

What movie(s) can you watch over and over and never get sick of?

Alice in Wonderland, The Trial of Billy Jack, Braveheart, and Saving Private Ryan

What was the first pair of wheels you owned?

Probably wooden ones!! Seriously, they were some of the first polyurethane wheels that came out in the late 60’s-early 70’s.

What inspired you to join roller derby?

I wanted to do it as a kid, but roller derby died out by the time I got old enough to play on a team. When I found out derby was alive again, and there was a team right here in the Hudson Valley, I couldn’t wait to join even though it had been 35 years since I last skated.

How did you come up with your name?

One of my aliases is Snail and I wanted to somehow use it. So one of my teammates, Pin-Up Ghoul actually helped me.

Who is your favorite derby player?

Lacerated. It’s exciting to watch her skate with such speed and grace, and all the while, fooling her opponents with her intoxicating smile. I like seeing the shock on their faces when she jumps around them or hits them with all her might, proving that she’s not just another pretty face on the track, but someone who knows and loves the game, and with the ability to be an awesome athlete.

What do you think is the biggest misconception fans have about roller derby?

That all derby players are angry women, needing to prove something. While every sport has players who need to prove something, we also have happy, teachers, nurses, professional business women, students, mothers, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers, all who want to just play a full contact sport.

Skater of the Month Vanilla Niiice

Roller Derby Skater of the Month Vanilla Niiice

How did you come up with your name?

I was always stopping, collaborating, and/or listening.

What is your day job?

Lyrical poet.

What made you tryout for derby?

My burning desire to cook derby girls like a pound o’ bacon.

Whats the last movie you watched?

One with police on the scene-you know what I mean?

What is your biggest fear?

Harpoons, especially ones that flow daily AND nightly.

Do you have a favorite band?? Who?

I go crazy when I hear a cymbal.

What do you want your derby legacy to be?

Waxin chumps like candles, slicing like a ninja, cutting like a
razor blade, keeping my composure when it’s time to get loose, etc.

If you could come up with your own derby move what would you call it?

“Poisonous Mushroom” or “Too Cold”

Skater of the Month: Mirakle Whip

Roller Derby Skater of the Month Mirakle Whip

What’s the best thing that has come from joining roller derby?

Getting to be a part of a sport that I love doing and having teammates who I know I could depend on for anything, on and off the track.

How did you choose your name?

I had an awful time coming up with a name, couldn’t find anything clever or special enough. Then one day I was talking to another skater who suggested it and it just stuck. I did throw in the K to personalize it however.

Do you have any fears?

Being alone in the dark in an unfamiliar place.

What would you like your derby legacy to be?

It’s my goal to become such an effective blocker that the other teams fear me.

Any hidden talents?

Claw machine wizard.

What’s your best derby memory?

My first away bout, we were playing upstate, outside and it was freezing and we only had two vet skaters to look to for guidance. By the end of the first half we were losing badly and some of us were looking pretty miserable and feeling unsure of ourselves. Then during halftime we had this amazing pep talk and it gave us a confidence boost that helped us pull it together in the second half. We didn’t win, but we broke 50 points and that was enough to make everyone happy, like truly happy. Being able to celebrate my team’s own, little victory was far more important than the score.

Any pet peeves?

Lack of common courtesy and people who chew loudly.

What is your dream job?

Getting paid to play roller derby would be amazing, but realistically I would love do sound effects for cartoons or to be a part of the production crew for a hit movie.

Skater of the Month Puffy Bangs

Roller Derby Skater of the Month Puffy Bangs

Derby or non derby related, who is your hero and why?

Probably my father. In spite of great adversity, the likes of which would make most bitter and angry, he lives a life of integrity, honesty, kindness and selflessness. He beat the odds. And, we Horrors always love the underdog!

Who do you think is your biggest fan?

Probably my father for this one, too! The Horrors aren’t the only ones who love an underdog 🙂

What advice would you give to women or girls interested in playing derby (horrors or frightmares)?

Fear is a liar. Don’t let fear stop you from trying. And don’t ever say it’s not worth trying because you’ll never be as good as Bonnie Thunders or Suzy Hotrod or whomever. Remember that those ladies were once beginners, too.

Whats your favorite thing about the Horrors?

We are a small league – it’s hard to have a successful and competitive team when so much energy has to be spent in just running the day-to-day operations. We face more of an uphill battle than other city-based leagues who have tons of members and ladies tripping over themselves to join. Yet in spite of that disadvantage, the majority of our skaters are truly team-minded – they understand that it may take us longer to grow and win, but they believe we’ll get there – through group effort, small successes and mutual respect, no matter how long it takes. And, no one here needs to be a super star – individual glory is insignificant to our skaters if not linked with team success. It’s the team that matters!

Besides the skates, gear, and derby name, what truly defines a roller derby player?

Her heart. Her conviction. Her dedication. Her team.

A genie gives you 3 wishes, what do you wish for?

#1: For every woman on our league, when feeling insecure or doubtful, to be able to see how *truly* remarkable and fierce they are!
#2: For derby players to be paid like our male counterparts in other sports. We should be banking like Derek Jeter for all this blood, sweat and tears!
#3: Access to skating and practice (and the endurance training of our speed coaches, Tony and Sue) 24/7!

What is your worst habit?

I swear like a <BLEEPING> sailor.

What is your goal for the 2013 season?

I’d love to see us take our game up a notch. But, I believe that is more of a certainty than a goal 😉 GO HORRORS

Skater of the Month: Rxy Ramalotte

Rxy Ramalotte Roller Derby Skater of the Month

What sparked your interest in roller derby?

I always wanted to play full contact sports but was told that they weren’t for ladies. Roller derby allowed me to be full contact and aggressive while showcasing femininity. I wanted to prove that women can be strong and tough and still have sugar and spice and stuff.

What has been your best derby moment?

I’d have to say that my moment is ongoing because training the Frightmares are my fave derby times. I enjoy teaching the kids how to play, being a role model and positive influence on our young ladies is important. I like to think I show them that it’s okay not to fit into the box and if they really want something/anything they can have it but they have to work for it. I sure wish roller derby was an option when I was a kid!

What is something your fans would be shocked to know about you?

Well, I won’t be playing the rest of the 2012 season because I’m Pregnant! Me and Suitor #1 are expecting a demon spawn. But, fans shouldn’t worry because I’ll be around at the rest of the 2012 games and plan to be back on the track and post baby angry mid-season 2013!

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I can’t choose one place, I’d like to move around a lot and make frequent visits back to NY 🙂

How many tattoos do you have? Any of them derby related?

I have a few tattoos, one is derby.

How did you create your derby name

It was totally on the fly. I wanted to be Roxi Rumbles but twoevils rejected it and I couldn’t get in contact with the skater who had a similar name. So Ramalotte was chosen because I like to hit people 🙂 and i like to do it a lot. I don’t have a clear recollection of how Rxy got to be spelled this way but i do know there was an altercation with the letter o, and the 666 part came later- Hail Satan! 🙂

Do you have any pregame rituals?

Two days before, hydration begins. Drink. Drink. Drink. I also try to clear my mind of roller derby completely, I know how to play, I have the skills I’m going to have on gameday, and it doesn’t do me any good to stress out about who that team played and who won etc etc. One day before I drink more water, a B Monster smoothie, and eat some carbs for dinner. On gameday I wear Nike Pro Combat under-stuff, decide on what if any war paint I’ll be wearing, and stay calm. I try to eat hard boiled eggs, salads, and bananas or oranges or apples or whatever fruit our bout committee has provided in our locker room before we play.

Who are your three favorite bands?

My taste in music is super random, at any moment it could be totally different and I skip almost every song on my ipod. So, I’d never be able to say who my fave bands are but I can say who the last 3 artists I didn’t skip were (as of this mornings car ride). Jimi Hendrix, NoFx, and The Beatles.

Skater of the Month: Kaptain Punch

Kaptain Punch Roller Derby Skater of the Month

Do you have any hidden talents?

Ha its not really hidden but i sing in a all female punk/ska band called Babe Patrol!

Do you have any fears or worries when it comes to playing derby? Other fears not concerning derby?

I don’t really have any fears about derby.. only that people won’t think its as amazing as it truly is! And I hate sharks!

We know you have a lot of tattoos but is there one that means the most to you?

This is the hardest question ever because all of my tattoos are extremely personal but i’d have to say the ones dedicated to friends i’ve lost over the years.

Do you play any other sports?

I played ice hockey and roller hockey for a number of years but the transition to quads was super hard.. i was only on them one time before it tried out for the team.

What is your goal for this season?

My goal this season is to be able to hear the refs when they yell at me and be a better jammer and blocker.. jam without cutting. And to be able to block and control.. not so much the hit!

What do you want your derby legacy to be?

I don’t really care.. as long as I have a legacy.. maybe hardest hitter ha ha

What made you join roller derby?

I was looking for a women’s hockey team to join and i was looking up rinks and roller magic came up. They had the Horrors on it and I was like ” oh i could definitely get into that!”

Have you had any serious injuries from playing derby?

Hahaha a lot of bruises.. a pulled groin, 2 ribs out of place, a chipped tooth and idk what else.

Skater of the Month: Carcinojen


Roller Derby Skater Carcinojen

Photo Courtesy of Greg Paret

How did you hear about the Horrors?

Well, when I heard about the Horrors I didn’t live in the Hudson Valley I was just visiting friends. We were off to go hiking for the day and drove passed Roller Magic. My boyfriend yelled out to stop the car let’s go roller skating. All the rinks back home were all long since closed down. Needless to say we turned the car around, went to open skate and as we were leaving the owner of Roller magic handed me a tryouts flyer and told us all about the Horrors. I was immediately in love and that was when the fire was lit for us to move! About a year later we had moved and I was Fresh meat!

How long have you been skating?

I grew up hitting my local roller rink but it had been at least 15 years since I put on quads. I was a roller blader until Derby. This is my second season in Derby.

What does your family think about your interest in derby?

I would say they don’t think much about it. It’s another “weird” thing that I am doing. My mom worries about the possibility of me getting hurt. I like to think my Dad secretly thinks it’s Bad Ass. Non of my family have ever seen me play.

How has derby impacted your life, both positively and negatively?

AMAZING… words cannot describe the group of people I am lucky enough to call my team mates and friends. I came here knowing very few people and now I have an amazing support system. Plus, derby makes you feel like you CAN DO ANYTHING! Oh, and the Derby monster ate my life.

Do you have any pre-game rituals?

Some things are best not shared.

What is your favorite derby position?

Blocker but, I aspire to be the player that can play all positions well.

If you could change any rule, what would it be and why?

I am hopeful for the day there are no more Minor penalties. I think eliminating minors would keep the intensity of the game up and leave the Ref’s to focus on the Major penalties. I think there would be less confusion for players, Ref’s, Officials and Fans.

Who is your roller derby role model?

I think everyone on my team is a role model to me in some way but, if I have to pick just one then I’m going to say my teammate Cherry Lifesaver. She has a great attitude, she’s so encouraging and helpful to her fellow skater, she has a healthy balance of seriousness and fun when it comes to derby, and she’s a beast on the track.

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November 14th
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Hyde Park Roller Magic