Skater of the Month Lumiknoxity
What do you believe is the biggest misconception about derby?
One of the biggest misconceptions i have hear is, “oh that’s where you punch people” or “throw each other over railings”
How do people react when they find out you play roller derby?
People’s general reaction when they find out i play roller derby is , no way your too small, you look like a cheerleader.
Have you played in any other sports besides roller derby?
I played soccer growing up from 5-15 and then i tried cheerleading for a season, i played lacrosse my junior year of high school, and wrestled on the all boys league my senior year. After high school i didn’t play any sports for a year until i started roller derby.
What is your definition of team?
My definition of team is one cohesive unit that moves together and protects each other on the track. There is NO I in team, the quicker you learn that the more of an effective part of the team you become.
If you could change any rule what would it be and why?
No penalties… kidding!!! But it would probably be the rule that the opposing jammer can skate backwards to the front of the pack after hitting the other jammer, forcing the other jammer to get sucked back in by the opposing team, before making their initial pass!!
How has derby affected your life positively or negatively?
Derby has affected my life positively by giving me an outlet, for anger and aggression. It has allowed me to be empowered by all the other powerful ladies on the track. It has helped mold me into a more responsible person, (ex. attending functions and practices) as well as to mature and work with others effectively. i don’t think roller derby has impacted me negatively it really helps me focus my aggression in a positive manner. as well as meet all my lovely team mates.
What advice would you give to future horrors or frightmares?
Advice i would give future horrors or fright mares, keep it moving, challenge yourself every practice, aspire to improve and believe that you can. If you don’t get a certain skill or drill practice it, we aren’t all perfect at everything that’s what we practice is for. Believe you can do it and you will!! Most importantly, don’t over THINK!!! Your body will get the hang of the weird new positions!!! try out and prove to yourself how awesome you really are!!! Be your own “cheerleader”!!