DracuLadies & ApocaLips Gear Up to Support The Grace Smith House

The Hudson Valley Horrors 2015 season is here! Come down to Hyde Park Roller Magic for our first home team battle of the season, the DracuLadies vs the ApocaLips. Come wearing a Horrors logo for a discount or show your team pride rocking your favorite team colors. Join us rink side for $10 or upgrade to a seat rental for $5 dollars at the door to watch in comfort. Visit Brown Paper Tickets to buy your tickets online now!

Roller Derby Bout Flyer 03-22-15

Roller Derby Bout Details

Event: First Bout of the Season!

Date: March 22, 2015

Time: Doors at 6PM Bloodshed 6:30PM

Place: Hyde Park Roller Magic 4178 Albany Post Road Hyde Park NY 12538

Tickets: Brown Paper Tickets

About Our Featured Charity

Grace Smith House “An open door for victims of domestic violence.”

Grace Smith House Logo

A portion of the proceeds from this bout will go to raise funds and collect goods for the Grace Smith House. We selected this organization because of their mission to empower victims of domestic violence. Roller derby is about empowerment and we cannot think of a more empowering goal than putting a stop to violence. Take a moment to explore more about our charity and learn what kind of work is happening in our communities.

The mission of Grace Smith House, Inc. is to enable women and their children to live free from domestic violence through:

  • Providing shelter and apartments, advocacy, counseling and education
  • Raising the consciousness of the community regarding the extent, type and seriousness of domestic violence.
  • Initiating and taking positions on public policies in order to provide options, which empower victims of domestic violence.

Grace Smith House is a private not-for-profit domestic violence agency, which provides both residential and non-residential services to victims of domestic violence and their children.

In the late 1970′s, when the idea for the Grace Smith House shelter was born, no one envisioned that our organization would serve over 2,500 families in flight from their personal domestic violence horror each year. Today, Grace Smith House has grown from one crisis shelter at its inception in 1981, to two shelters, one second stage housing and our Follow-up and Non-Residential programs. Our programs provide Adult & Child counseling, Family Court advocacy, Child Protective Services, Social Services advocacy, Life Skills training, continuing Support Groups and education about domestic violence.

While we are pleased to have served and aided so many families and individuals, there is still so much more that can be done to attain our ultimate goal of “enabling women and children to live free from domestic violence”.

Besides providing a safe place, where the victims can start their healing process and work towards leading lives free from violence, our mission is to educate the community about the extent, type and seriousness of domestic violence and to initiate a public policy in order to provide options that empower victims of domestic violence.” (www.gracesmithhouse.org/about-us)

Visit their website at www.gracesmithhouse.org for more information and ways to get involved. 

Please Note: There was a misprint on the original flyer. The photo credit should have gone to Asa Frye. Thanks for all your awesome images; derby love and apologies for the error.  

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