Roller Derby Stats

2018 Season Stats

April 15th

Apocalips 130
Draculadies 184

2017 Season Stats

October 22nd

ApocaLips 118
DracuLadies 199

2015 Season Stats

March 22nd

ApocaLips 172
DracuLadies 157

April 23rd

Central NY Roller Derby 248
Hudson Valley Horrors 58

April 23rd

ApocaLips 149
DracuLadies 121

May 30th

Long Island Roller Rebels 254
Hudson Valley Horrors 117

June 20th

Rock Coast Roller 189
Hudson Valley Horrors 165

June 21st

Lansing Roller Vixens 299
Hudson Valley Horrors 73

June 25th

DracuLadies 141
ApocaLips 95

September 24th

ApocaLips 138
DracuLadies 137

October 18th

DracuLadies 168
ApocaLips 154

2014 Season Stats

February 16th

ApocaLips 124
DracuLadies 115

March 8th

ApocaLips 158
DracuLadies 127

March 29th

Horrors 120
CNY 97

April 26th

Assault City 140
Horrors 119

May 3rd

Albany AllStars 130
zomBsquad 126

May 17th

Horrors 235
Long Island Roller Rebels 82

June 7th

DracuLadies 171
ApocaLips 137

June 28th

Bay State Brawlers 177
Horrors 100

August 23rd

Philly Independence Dolls 329
Horrors 74

September 13th

Hellions of Troy 169
Horrors 52

September 20th

zomBsquad 210
Jerzey Derby Brigade 188

October 4th

zomBsquad 210
New Jersey Roller Derby 188

October 11th

Horrors 218
Jerzey Derby Brigade 87

October 19th

ApocaLips 177
DracuLadies 126

November 16th

ApocaLips 148
DracuLadies 104

2013 Season Stats

February 17th

DracuLadies 168
ApocaLips 136

March 9th

Connecticut Stepford Sabotage 282
Horrors 38

Connecticut Yankee Brutals 249
zomBsquad 73

March 23rd

Central New York 216
Horrors 137

March 24th

Central New York Wonder Brawlers 169
zomBsquad 143

April 20th

DracuLadies 126
ApocaLips 147

April 29th

Jerzey Derby Brigade 275
zomBsquad 104

June 1st

ApocaLips 115
DracuLadies 143

July 20th

Hammer City Eh! Team 375
Horrors 49

Hammer City Harlots 196
zomBsquad 91

July 21st

Central New York 188
Horrors 156

Queen City Mixed Home Team 226
Horrors 86

September 21st

New Hampshire 255
zomBsquad 74
A portion of the proceeds benefited The Grace Smith House

September 29th

Hellions 159
Horrors 142

October 12th

Long Island Roller Rebels 196
Horrors 114

October 20th

A portion of the proceeds benefited GLSEN’s Safe Schools Roundtable

November 16th

DracuLadies 114
ApocaLips 108
A portion of the proceeds benefited Queens Galley

2012 Season Stats

March 17th

Green Mountain Grade A Fancy 194
Hudson Valley Horrors 48

Black Ice Brawlers 178
zomBsquad 101

March 18th

New Hampshire Skate Free or Die All-Stars 217
Hudson Valley Horrors 81

May 19th

Roc City Rockstars 226
Hudson Valley Horrors 119

Roc City B-Sides 322
zomBsquad 103

June 23rd & 24th

East Coast Derby Extravaganza

Hudson Valley Horrors 146
Harrisburg Area 96

Hudson Valley Horrors 198
Lehigh Valley Hissy Fits 75

June 30th

Long Island Roller Rebels 228
Hudson Valley Horrors 75

Rock a Betty Bruisers 344
zomBsquad 78

September 9th

Suburbia Backyard Bullies 200
zomBsquad 109

September 22nd

Skyland 128
zomBsquad 79

October 14th

Ithaca SufferJets 196
Hudson Valley Horrors 59

Ithaca BlueStockings 246
zomBsquad 50

2011 Season Stats

March 12th

Queen City Lake Effect Furies 203
Hudson Valley Horrors 70

April 9th

Long Island Rock-a-Bettie Bruisers 130
Hudson Valley Horrors zomBsquad 90

April 16th

Lehigh Valley  Hissy Fits 141
Hudson Valley Horrors 109

May 15th

Green Mountain Derby Dames 145
zomBsquad 50

June 18th

Tri-City Roller Derby 287
Hudson Valley Horrors 74

East Coast Derby Extravaganza

River City Rollergirls 263
Hudson Valley Horrors 114

Harrisburg Area Rollers 242
Hudson Valley Horrors 118

July 16th

Long Island Roller Rebels 177
Hudson Valley Horrors 100

Empire Skate Showdown

Hellions of Troy 67
Hudson Valley Horrors 40

Long Island Roller Rebels 86
Hudson Valley Horrors 19

September 24th

Assault City Roller Derby 168
zomBsquad 85

October 1st

Ithaca League of Women Rollers 237
zomBsquad 50

October 22nd

Connecticut Rollergirls 169
Hudson Valley Horrors 93

November 5th

zomBsquad 162
Hellions of Troy 58

November 12th

Garden State Rollergirls 302
Hudson Valley Horrors 54

2010 Season Stats

May 22nd

Long Island Roller Rebels 120
Hudson Valley Horrors 69

April 24th

Hudson Valley Horrors 241
Shore Points Roller Derby 26

July 18th

Ithaca Bluestockings 149
zomBsquad 81

Empire Skate Showdown

Game 1:
Albany Allstars 56
Hudson Valley 50

Game 2:
Hudson Valley 83
Hellions of Troy 43

Game 3:
Ithaca League of Women Rollers 66
Hudson Valley 22

September 19th

Garden State Rollergirls 155
Hudson Valley Horrors 99

October 23rd

Hudson Valley 195
Hell Razors 31

2009 Season Stats

October 25th

Hudson Valley Horrors 181
Morristown Madams 91

September 20th

Queen City Roller Girls 152
Hudson Valley Horrors  85

July 26th

Coal City 167
zomBsquad 88

May 24th

Suburbia Roller Derby 111
Hudson Valley Horrors  29

April 4th

Pioneer Valley 77
Hudson Valley Horrors 26

January 31st

Hudson Valley Horrors  82
Morristown Madams  55

2008 Season Stats

November 1st

Suburbia Roller Derby 93
Hudson Valley Horrors 48

October 26th

Hudson Valley Horrors 145
Albany Allstars 75

September 27th

Hudson Valley Horrors 94
Morristown Madams 66

August 24th

Hudson Valley Horrors 94
Poconos High Rollers 65

June 28th

Hudson Valley Horrors 69
Maine Calamity Jane’s 66

June 7th

Long Island Roller Rebels 145
Hudson Valley Horrors 78

May 31st

Hudson Valley Horrors 95
Lehigh Valley Special Vixen’s Unit 84

2007 Season Stats

October 28th

Montreal Roller Derby 116
Hudson Valley Horrors 89

September 8th

Maine Roller Derby 115
Hudson Valley Horrors 90

June 17th

Pioneer Valley 121
Hudson Valley Horrors 15

Boot Camps

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Hyde Park Roller Magic

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