What You’ve Missed

The Hudson Valley Horrors have been pretty busy lately! The league have been cleaning up highways, hosting penny socials, scrimmaging, and much much more. Let’s catch you up, shall we!

Our last home bout was an exciting match up, where our very own DracuLadies faced (our other very own) ApocaLips! In June, Hyde Park Roller Magic was crawling with fans and part of the proceeds from the bout went to Dutchess County Stop DWI. People laughed, cheered and drank beer and cider from Bad Seed Cider Co in Highland. ApocaLips took the victory, but DracuLadies didn’t come out empty handed. Their MVPs took the award in stride and thanked ApocaLips for showing them such a great time. We’re sure both teams are shaking in antici…pation for the next time they can bout together. A special thanks to Storm Jenarator for being our bout manager! We couldn’t have done it without you!

An ApocaLip coming around turn 3 during a match up between the Horrors home teams

Following the match at home, HVHRD traveled a few hours to our state’s capitol to face the Albany AllStars B Team, the Brawl Stars. With the help of Ruby RedRum, HVHRD fought their hearts out against Albany keeping up a consistent lead right up until the end of the last few jams. In the end, Albany came out victorious. But HVHRD was not far behind them. Until next time, Brawl Stars. We can’t wait to meet again!

The Horrors and Albany AllStars MVPs pose after a close match up

When they’re not skating, HVHRD has been donating their time to the community. They love showing off their skills at the Hyde Park Car Show, picking up trash on Route 9, and donating to local charities such as Dutchess County Stop DWI. The more we can do to help out, the better! In the upcoming months, HVHRD will be doing even more to show off not just their derby abilities, but their philanthropy skills as well!

The Horrors cleaning up garbage on the highway they adopted

Hitz waves to the camera while helping set up the tables of goodies at the Horrors annual Penny Social

And that’s what you missed on HVHRD!


  1. Donna Toomey says:

    Hi, my name is Wicked Spine. Its a name I was given while I was i to motorcycles. When my life-partner passed away five years ago I had to sell my bike to pay for her services. I am looking for something to fill my time as my kids are grown and out on their own.
    I do not know how my skating is anymore as I am now 60 yrs old. But I used to train for and with the NEW YORK CHIEFS in the early 70’s. I do however know all of the rules of the game. So if you have a need for refs or someone to help teach the rules of the game, I am your person. I have always loved this sport, and gave up a career in art to pursue this.

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